Name. Caspian
Nickname[s]. Cas
Age. Forever 28 in appearance, nearing the 200s area in actual age.
Date Of Birth. May 12th
Place Of Birth. Tirruthia Kingdom
Zodiac Sign. Taurus
Species. Phoenix
Nationality. Tirruthian
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him / His
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession. Knight for Hire / Former loyal knight to the Tirruthia Kingdom.

AppearanceHeight. 6'3"
Weight. 200 lbs
Eye. Ice Blue
Hair. Dark Brown, appears black.
Complexion. He has a rather dark tanned complexion
Voice. Deep and strict sounding, can be loud and commanding.
Style. Clothes & armor he can wear on a battlefield, worn and has seen plenty of use.
Dominant Hand. Ambidextrous
Scent. Smoke
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. He has a Tirruthia's knight tattoo, the symbol of a phoenix.
Scars. Plenty from swords fights but none that look as if they have been life threatening.

MentalEducation. All the knights in the Tirruthia kingdom are taught by the finest teachers and they're all highly intelligent when they finish their studies. Caspian was the top of his class in both combat & intelligence.
Languages. The native Tirruthian language ( which is a dying language ). English. Many other languages of other kingdoms.
Habits. Picking at his nails, foot tapping, staring.
TraitsPositive. Loyal, Hardworking, Protective, Adaptable, Intelligent
Neutral. Outspoken, Intense, Competitive, Sarcastic, Strict
Negative. Blunt, Assertive, Fiery, Moody

BackgroundCaspian always looked up to the knights of the kingdom of Tirruthia, especially the rarest and most prized knights with the phoenix soul that could harness the power of a phoenix. Caspian knew he too wanted to be a knight for the kingdom, to protect the royals that were kind and giving to those that lived in their lands and to protect the people that lived in those lands. He started training to be a knight at a young age, though the king and queen would never let him be a full fledged knight until he was the right age for it.Caspian was always at the top of his class, beating out those older than him when it came to combat and intelligence. When he finally made it to the age to be a knight, he rose to the top quickly and became the head knight of the Tirruthian kingdom at only nineteen years old. It also helped that he was one of the rare, the ones with the phoenix soul, something he found out in his training as a knight. Not every knight has the phoenix soul but those that do are treasured by the kingdom and are very important, only second to that of the royals.All was well until Tirruthia was taken over, the king and queen stepping down from the throne was the easiest way to protect their people when the knights assured the king and queen that they could win the fight, ultimately they had to listen to the king and queen in the end and did not fight or disobey as the new rulers took the throne and they were not kind rulers, they were cruel and saw the power that was in Tirruthia's ranks.When these new rulers began pushing for the knights and soldiers of Tirruthia to start conflict with other kingdoms for no reason at all other than the fact that they thrived off of bloodshed, many of the knights and soldiers threw down their weapons and cast away their loyalty, for which they were cast out and then wanted for treason. Tirruthia was once a thriving place, it became a place where horrible people would go and call home and the true Tirruthians left for other kingdoms to make new homes in and the knights and soldiers became those that would work under other kingdoms & nobles to protect and help for the better, Caspian did the same as a knight for hire.Now the old language of the Tirruthian's is a language never hardly spoken, a dead language for those Tirruthian's that left took on new languages and their children never learned the language of their people and the language was never taught to anyone else either. Caspian is one of very few true Tirruthian's left given the time that has passed since he has been born and the fall of the true Tirruthia. Caspian later found that Tirruthia gained a new name after it fell and was taken over by another kingdom once more. His home is no longer his home.Caspian stretches his wings and flies to help those in need.Trivia1. He can shift into that of a Phoenix at will as well as control and manipulate fire.
2. Those that are Phoenix Souls cannot die of old age for they stop aging at the age of human maturity which is that of 25.
3. Phoenix souls grow up as humans but they are truly classified as that of Phoenixes because once their soul manifests as Phoenix then they are fully bound as a Phoenix.
4. It is rumored that Phoenix souls have a heart that is on fire and that when they truly love you, you can see it glow through their body when they are with you and in love with you. As Caspian has not experienced romantic love as of yet, he has no idea of this is true.
5. Naturally weak against those with a water affinity.
6. your own personal heater.
7. when he is using his Phoenix powers, his eyes glow a golden color.
8. it is said that the best way to ensure you have taken down a phoenix is to put out their fire hearts otherwise they might rise from the ashes.
9. People in Tirruthia always have their hair down and long. But if they are that of a knight and are sparring or going into battle or it is a special occasion then they can wear their hair up in a ponytail or braided or in any other style than just down. Caspian doesn't really follow this tradition that closely anymore, times are changing and so is he.
10. Certain Tirruthian peoples hair have magical properties thought to be myth and long forgotten. Their hair is special. If they cut some of their hair from their head and wrap it around a wound, the wound will heal within minutes ( so long as the hair can wrap or cover the entire wound ), this is an instance where nobody would've judged the Tirruthian person for having their hair cut a great deal shorter for they did a heroic deed. This of course can only be done by Tirruthian's that held magic or were phoenix souled which Caspian falls under the latter.

Name. Dashiell Ainsley Elmwood of the Khosta Kingdom
Nickname[s]. Dash, Rose, Cowardly Prince
Age. 23
Date Of Birth. July 30th
Place Of Birth. Khosta Kingdom
Zodiac Sign. Leo
Species. Magical Human
Nationality. Khostan
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him / His
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession. Prince
Ship Status: ship exclusive with @killedarlings Kieran.

AppearanceHeight. 5'6"
Weight. 140 lbs
Eye. Pink
Hair. Pale Pink
Complexion. Pale
Voice. High pitched and perhaps a bit nasally.
Style. The clothes of a royal, over the top and often sporting in pinks, reds or blues.
Dominant Hand. Right
Scent. Roses
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. None
Scars. His skin is perfectly unmarred for he has lived a very careful life as a prince thanks to his caretakers and parents doing their part to keep him safe as ever.

MentalEducation. As the Prince of Khosta and the future king of the Khosta kingdom, he was taught by only the best of the best, though that does not mean he didn't slack off and ignore some lessons.
Languages. The people of Khosta speak several languages such as French and English as dominant languages, as well as their own secret and dying out language ( so much so that only the royal family & those in the royal court are the only ones that still speak the language )
Habits. Nail biting, Can't sit still, rambling when nervous.
TraitsPositive. Forgiving, Friendly, Gentle, Fun-loving
Neutral. Absentminded, Dreamy, Obedient, Self-Conscious, Stubborn
Negative. Aimless, Anxious, Clumsy, Fearful, Naive, Selfish, Cowardly

BackgroundAinsley was born as the first and only prince to the kingdom of Khosta. His mother was told it would be practically impossible to have a child and produce an heir for the king, her husband but she managed to have Ainsley and he was healthy and wonderful and their little angel. The king and queen of Khosta did not try and have any other children after Ainsley. He would be the treasured child of the palace, spoiled by all who saw him.Ainsley was told he never did any wrong, that he was a precious little angel and this led to him having a very spoiled and selfish personality that did not get better into adulthood. He also had a very sheltered and protected childhood and his family somehow expects him to be able to lead as a king one day, truly he will be the kind of king that will easily be swayed and manipulated if the right person gets their hands in the kingdom.Trivia1. many from the Khosta kingdom have magical gifts, especially the royals who have specialized in a lot of mind based magical gifts as they always try to look into nobles with mind based magical gifts to marry into the royal bloodline. Ainsley's mother was something of a seer but not a strong kind of seer. Ainsley's father could manipulate memories of others to a certain extent but never had great control over his gift so he rarely used it and it was forgotten. Ainsley's own gift is the ability to manipulate a persons mind into feeling protective over him, it is typically activated by him telling them to protect him while making eye contact but it is not a strong magical ability for he has not practiced it enough so if someone has a strong will, they can easily negate the mind manipulation.
2. Ainsley is a spoiled brat sure and naive as they come but he has common sense and a general knowing of right from wrong at least.

Name. Irmalinda the Fairy Godmother
Nickname[s]. Irma, Fairy Godmother
Age. quite old, appears in her mid 20s
Date Of Birth. December 21st
Place Of Birth. A cottage in a magical forest
Zodiac Sign. Sagittarius
Species. Fairy
Gender. Cis Female
Pronouns. She / Her / Hers
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession. Granting your wishes as Fairy Godmother.

AppearanceHeight. 5'4"
Weight. 128 lbs
Eye. Crimson
Hair. White
Complexion. Pale
Voice. Soft and the kind of voice that really draws you in when you speak to her.
Style. Beautiful dresses of the finest quality.
Dominant Hand. Left
Scent. Lavender
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. None
Scars. She has some small ones but nothing major to note.

MentalEducation. Taught by elder godmothers.
Languages. She speaks many languages and can learn many more with the help of magic.
Habits. Hair twirling, scoffs a lot, biting bottom lip, running hand through hair.
TraitsPositive. Captivating, Curious, Elegant, Helpful, Intelligent
Neutral. Ambitious, Deceptive, Outspoken, Sarcastic, Self-Conscious
Negative. Blunt, Devious, Envious, Impatient, Petty, A bit possessive

BackgroundFairy Godmothers have always been a thing, there is not simply just one Fairy Godmother in existence because if there was that poor Godmother would be stretched too thin with the amount of those that need the help of a Fairy Godmother. Irmalinda comes from a line of Fairy Godmother's. Her sister has more of the finer traits of a Fairy Godmother whereas Irmalinda has the traits that lead her to helping her charge but only for the moment, your wish is granted but it will eventually fail and you will need her again to fix your life once more.and a woman appears before those with emotions that have run high and have found themselves sad, in a flash of white light and sparkles she is there. A woman dressed in the most wonderous gowns, wings fluttering behind her but quickly retracting as to not send the ones before her into a great shock. Crimson eyes will observe the situation thoughtfully, an unseen glint in those eyes, a thirst for chaos under the guise of helping.“Oh you poor dear, what has made you feel this way? Allow me, Fairy Godmother to make it all better ... To wish away the sadness and to wish happiness into your life. Whatever you shall want, you shall have.” Be careful what you wish for, love.Trivia1. Irmalinda is a very lonely woman in all honesty, that is why she doesn't fully fulfill the wishes that she grants so that she will be needed once more.
2. Fairy Godmother / Irmalinda really likes it when others find her beautiful and she does take good care of herself to maintain her beauty and WHILE SHE IS AN OLD BEING OF MAGICAL EXISTENCE, she doesn’t take kindly to being compared to an old woman and will easily get offended

Name. Fionnaghal
Nickname[s]. Fionna, Fi
Age. 100, appears in her 20s
Date Of Birth. January 1st
Place Of Birth. a magical forest
Zodiac Sign. Capricorn
Species. Unicorn
Gender. Cis Female
Pronouns. She / Her / Hers
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession. Wanderer

AppearanceHeight. 4'11"
Weight. 115 lbs
Eye. Blue
Hair. Pale blonde
Complexion. Pale
Voice. Soft and wispy, the kind of voice you can barely hear given how quiet she speaks.
Style. Dainty dresses, bare feet, messy hair.
Dominant Hand. Right
Scent. Earth
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. None
Scars. Some small stuff but nothing huge to note.

MentalEducation. She never had any kind of teacher besides her parents that taught her the ways of the Unicorn but nothing of any other species really besides their languages that they knew.
Languages. The languages of unicorns, English
Habits. Fidgeting, pulling at her hair when nervous, covering her mouth with her hands when laughing, not able to make eye contact 90% of the time.
TraitsPositive. Considerate, Curious, Gentle, Fun-Loving, Honest
Neutral. Impressionable, Quiet, Soft, Stubborn
Negative. Clumsy, Only a bit Cautious, Delicate, Easily Discouraged

BackgroundUnicorns are some of the most beautiful mythical creatures is something that many would say, of course they're hardly a myth and many do not know of this for unicorns live very private and cautious lives most of the time. Too many times have unicorns been wanted for their horns that you can use as a healing property as well as a magical conductor of sorts and witches can even use the horns for spells. Because of this, Unicorns are not very trusting creatures.Then there's Fionnghal, a unicorn that is too curious for her own good, so much so that she left her family and branched out all on her own to explore what the worlds have to offer and to meet new people despite her rather quiet and perhaps even a bit shy nature that she has. Her parents telling her to be cautious will always be at the back of her head, while a glamour will be at the front to hide her horn from display of those that might wish to take it from her.Trivia1. Despite being 100 years old, Fionna is still considered young for a species that can live for a very long time. She is an adult but she is not taken seriously by any sort of unicorn elder or any unicorn that is only slightly older than her.

Name. Masaki
Nickname[s]. Fox
Age. 400, appears in mid 20s
Date Of Birth. June 21st
Place Of Birth. Japan
Zodiac Sign. Cancer
Species. Kitsune
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him / His
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession. Troublemaker

AppearanceHeight. 5'6"
Weight. 130 lbs
Eye. Red
Hair. Red
Complexion. Has an olive undertone
Voice. His voice isn't deep or high pitched, it's pretty middle but nasally and obnoxious to others.
Style. Traditional clothes
Dominant Hand. Right
Scent. Citrus
Facial Hair. None
Tattoos. Two on either side of his face, right beneath his eyes, they're more markings he was born with than tattoos but they fall in the category I guess.
Scars. Has some burn scars on his hands from playing with fire, some other scars litter his body from fighting other yokai at times but nothing that screams it was life threatening.

MentalEducation. He's always taking the time to learn new things and was taught by his mother when he was young.
Languages. Japanese, Chinese, English, Korean
Habits. Foot tapping, Eye rolling, Cracking Knuckles, Constant humming.
TraitsPositive. Anticipative, Curious, Clever, Energetic, Loyal
Neutral. Competitive, Sarcastic, Proud, Stubborn
Negative. Abrasive, Arrogant, Impulsive, Envious, Impatient

BackgroundMasaki was always clinging to his mother as a child, a skittish little fox that somehow grew into that of a mischievous and troublemaking type of kitsune. Nobody would've ever expected the good natured little kitsune to grow up and want to cause a little chaos in the world but perhaps that is just the nature of kitsune's or perhaps it is just him.He hasn't caused too much trouble if you really think about it, or he's good at getting away with it if he managed to live long enough to gain four tails which equals out to four hundred years of walking amongst the world and causing trouble for those that sadly just get in his path. He does things out of good fun on his end, he loves to prank others and be annoying. Getting under peoples skin is just too much fun to him.He also likes to play with fire given his natural affinity for it but, he always somehow gets burned. Watch out for the mischievous fox with the crimson eyes and bright red hair for he is trouble you best beware.Trivia1. Not even trying to hide that he is a kitsune. Let’s his four tails show freely.
2. Can make a contract to be a protector to others but currently has not as of yet, enjoying the free life
3. Masaki can also produce illusions as well, it's up to how strong the others mind is if they actually believe it or not.

Name. Seraphinus Jewele
Nickname[s]. Sera
Age. 300, Appears to be about 26
Date Of Birth. July 12th
Place Of Birth. a small home in a long forgotten kingdom
Zodiac Sign. Cancer
Species. Vampire
Gender. Cis Male
Pronouns. He / Him / His
Orientation. Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession. Self Proclaimed Vampire King.